How Fast You Should Be Running

Juozas Vaitonis
2 min readNov 8, 2020

A simple tip for running beginners

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Once we decide to involve running in our daily life it is often not clear how fast one should be going. Determining that can be a daunting task. So let’s begin with the basics.

“Remember, it’s the pace that kills, never the distance.”

― Bill Jones

There are two types of metrics to define how quickly you’re running.

Speed. It’s measured by how many kilometers or miles we run per hour. Pretty simple.

Pace. This one is more tricky. Basically, pace tells how many minutes does it take for you to cover one kilometer or mile.

So now, when it comes to deciding how fast your ordinary runs should be, use a term called Conversational pace. If you can easily hold a conversation (or sing if you want) while running, then you moving at a conversational pace. It should feel relatively easy.

“Conversational pace is the speed, or pace, you can run while comfortably holding a conversation. Even when running alone this can be determined by talking to yourself, humming or singing.” according to

This will help you to keep moving way longer without getting out of breath. Running longer means your muscles work longer, you burn more calories and you also start to build stamina.

We are all different so the conversation pace will be different for everyone. Don’t mind if, in the beginning, it’s so slow that it feels like you’re walking.

What matters that it suits you. You will notice that your pace is increasing while you’re still able to talk or sing your favorite songs. It’s called progress, and it will keep you motivated.

Don’t forget to include other types of running once you get acquainted with your jogging workouts. I will definitely write about them in the future, so stay tuned.



Juozas Vaitonis

Ultra runner, certified personal running coach, sport psychology enthusiast.